Scleroderma Foundation - Tri-State


Patient Education Forum
Yale University School of Medicine


Videos in the Playlist:

The videos presented here are the full program presented sequentially at the Yale Patient Education forum.
They were pre-recorded without an actual audience in attendance.
  • "Dedicated Scleroderma Programs and the Research they Conduct"
    Monique Hinchcliff, MD, MS
  • In this talk Dr. Hinchcliff discusses key differences in scleroderma care at a dedicated Scleroderma Center of Excellence. A patient is likely to achieve better results in an environment where all members of the healthcare team are scleroderma specialists.

  • "Scleroderma Associated Interstitial Lung Disease"
    Mridu Gulati, MD, MPH
  • Dr. Gulati's talk discusses Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary Fibrosis as it relates to scleroderma, and includes a review of treatments currently in use. She also clarifies the distinction between "Idiopathic" and Interstitial Lung Disease both of which are sometimes referred to as "ILD"

    The information presented on this site is intended for educational purposes only. Neither the featured speakers, nor the Scleroderma Foundation, nor Starlight Productions (the producers of these videos) suggest, recommend or endorse any specific treatment for any individual. Patients are advised consult their own health care providers for treatment options. .

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