About Us
Starlight Productions and Scleroderma Video.

Our association with Scleroderma began in 1994.
Our fledgling videography company worked an event for a family, and a close relative not only had Scleroderma, but was President of a chapter of a Scleroderma support foundation. She thought enough of our work to bring us in to record a series of presentations at her chapter’s Patient Education forum at Robert Wood Johnson Memorial Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ.
Fast forward to 1995 – her group was to host a national conference on Scleroderma, and we were asked by the national foundation to record the sessions, and to make the sessions available on video to interested parties. This was the birth of the Scleroderma Video series.
25 years later we’ve participated in 10 national conferences, and have covered just about all of the Tri-State chapter’s Patient Education events from 1998 to the present day.
We’ve met some inspirational and exceptional people along the way and feel truly blessed and grateful to be part of this.